
I'm Busolo Quintonne Aaliyah. A volunteer at SAIDE COMMUNITY LIBRARY. First and foremost, I'd like to give you a big thank you to American Friends for Kenya (AFK) for their continued support and donation to SAIDE and other libraries in Kenya. I'd also love to thank Kelvin Gwuma-SAIDE Programmes Coordinator, for never tiring to oversee the running of it. Without forgetting Mrs. Beatrice Lukalo for being the reason for the existence of SAIDE.

My experience both as a student and volunteer has been super amazing. I have greatly improved my reading culture and also got to meet new authors such as De Gramont, Yewande Omototso, Lisa Kleypas, Kate Brian, Adriana Trigianni and the list goes on. I greatly enjoy cooking, poetry, and romance novels. I'm always at the young adult section and looking through cookery books. Some of my favorite cookery books available at the library include Cookwise, Pasta, and Sauces, Italian cooking, and Pizza.

I love the fact that the library has a variety of genres and authors. The library has helped a lot of students both in primary and secondary schools, through the provision of kindles, textbooks, storybooks, and revision materials.

The one-hour reading culture has particularly helped young readers in primary schools here in Sabatia Constituency develop language, communication skills, creative thinking among many other benefits.

The SAIDE annual debate has greatly helped faster public speaking skills among participants. The debates have also led to the exposure of students as different schools meet to debate on different topics. I hope more books will be available as time goes by and that SAIDE will have more readers both adults and young readers